Of course, I cannot claim to have invented the term, "Sharpen the Saw", it is the purview of the late Steven Covey of 7 Habits fame (https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit7.php). However, an impending surgery got me thinking about this phrase. Is there any wonder? Surgery brings everything into sharp focus.
Sure, it is a routine surgery, if you can call anything routine that forces the body and mind into a temporary state of anaesthesia. The prospect of such things forces one to put everything into perspective, and to prioritise what is really important. That is the essence of sharpening the saw. Family, faith, and relationships come to mind for me.
Without doubt the most important aspect of my life is the family that I have been born into and helped create. One part of the equation is reaching an advanced stage of life, while the other has the balance of years ahead- hopefully. We can never be guaranteed what the future will bring, so taking full advantage of the time afforded to us is imperative. This is especially true of the ones we love the most, and spend most of our time with.
Faith is a highly personalised and uniquely individualised word. It means different things to different people, and there are certainly many to choose from in an increasingly diverse world. The important thing is to have faith. Faith that the universe will unfold as it ought to, and that people will do their best with what they have been given is part of the ethos I subscribe to. I trust and have faith that the medical community, especially the doctors and nurses I will be working with, will do best what they have been trained to do.
Relationships also come into clear focus at such moments. I am acutely aware that we have time for only a certain number of interactions or interpersonal relationships during our lives. This isn't meant to be morbid, it is just a fact of life. So, what is to be gained by having any of these interactions be anything less than optimal? Taking the time to ensure that I am positive, respectful, and fully engaged in all of the relationships I find myself in is important. Appreciating that others have a great deal to offer, and that I must add to, rather than detract from, the quality of relationships is fundamental.
It really shouldn't take moments like this to bring these priorities to the fore, but sometimes it does. It also shows that we can never take anything for granted in this life, and that every day should be lived to its maximum. Sharpening the saw. indeed.
Oh, and if I don't make it back safely from the hospital, please let this missive stand as a testament to all.
P.S. I did make back o.k., and the message still stands.
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